Tuesday, September 16, 2008

2 Blog Awards! (but no TWD)

While I was away in Sydney I picked up not one but two blog awards! A big thanks to Laura from She's Cookin' Now and Lisa from Magic Sprinkles who presented me with the Brilliante Weblog Award.
I still feel like such a newbie, this being only my third month of blogging, but there's a real sense of community and support in the food blogosphere. So thank you to everyone who is reading and commenting!

Here are the rules of the award so that I can pass it on to others:

1. when you receive a diamond, make a post about it on your blog,
2. name the blogger who gave you the award,
3. award the diamonds to seven other bloggers,
4. link to them in your post and
5. let them know that you are passing this fab award onto them

Hmmmm which seven to pass it on to? I check in with literally hundreds of blogs, all of whom are wonderfully unique. Seeing I got the award twice I'm going to choose 14! In no particular order:

1. Linda from Butter Sugar Flour

2. April from Abby Sweets

3. Melissa from Made By Melissa

4. Laura at Hungry and Frozen

5. Cakelaw from Laws of the Kitchen

6. Bridget from The Way the Cookie Crumbles

7. Caitlin from Engineer Baker

8. Lisa at Spicy Icecream

9. Beth and Nathan at Our Sweet Life

10. Priscilla at Priscilla's Baking Adventures

11. Krista at Goodies First

12. Tammy from Wee Treats by Tammy

13. Rebecca from Ezra Pound Cake

14. The gang at Little Foodies

I haven't been around to tell everyone yet but I will be doing that at some point today.

Now you'll notice there are no Chocolate Chunkers here today. For a number of reasons I decided to opt out this week, including the fact I ran out of time but also the fact I couldn't face yet another chocolate biscuit. Sorry to Claudia of Fool for Food! I'm definitely not a chocoholic but I am SO excited about the next 2 picks. First up is Dorie's Dimply Plum Cake. Yum!

Back to chocolate for a moment, I froze most of my Whopper Drops after the last challenge and was curious how they would be. Well, they are insanely good straight out of the freezer. I thought they would be rock hard but they actually were quite soft and ready to eat immediately. They'd be perfect for an icecream sandwich because they would help the icecream stay cold and not run everywhere. Brilliant!

Next week: Dimply Plum Cake. Woohoo!


  1. Congratulations on BOTH your awards! They are well deserved. I concur about the TWD cookieness - bring on the plums!

  2. WOW!! Thank you!!! You made me day!

  3. Congrats on your awards Susan, and thanks so much for nominating me!!

  4. Congrats on the award(s). First time here, u have a yum blog with yum recipes.

  5. Wow, thanks so much for the award! And congratulations on yours!! You need to try the chocolate chunkers one day - they are great!

  6. Thank you! As I've only just returned to blogging you've absolutely made my day... Lovely to find your blog too. Love your pics, especially the food baby one - very cool!

  7. thanks so much susan! this will be up shortly on my blog!!

  8. Hey, thanks for the award! All of your baked goods look amazing.

  9. Congrats on your well deserved awards!! And by the way, I'm eating a frozen whopper drop as I type this! I like 'em better like this! :o)

  10. Thanks so much for the award! How fun.

  11. congrats on your awards. guess what, you get another one from me. :)

  12. Thank you so much for the award! I love your blog! :)


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