Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie: Cafe Volcano Cookies

A really interesting pick this week for TWD. MacDuff of The Lonely Sidecar chose Dorie's Cafe Volcano Cookies and without a photo, I had no idea what I was actually making! I had to laugh though when I read the storing instructions, essentially 'Humidity will make these go soggy.' Living in Brisbane in December, high humidity is pretty much a given!

So what are volcano cookies? Very similar to a coconut macaroon but with nuts instead of coconut, these cookies aren't exactly photogenic. Probably why there's no picture in the book! I used cocoa instead of espresso powder so my cookies are a rich chocolately colour.

I made a half batch and kept a close eye on them while baking. Just 16 minutes and they were done.

The taste test ...

Totally unexpected but absolutely delicious! I ate 3 before I could stop myself! Very light, the meringue disolves on your tongue leaving crisp toasty nuts and a hint of chocolate. I knew these would be really sweet so I'm glad I added just a pinch of salt. These were a real winner.

Thanks for a great pick, MacDuff! You can find the recipe at The Lonely Sidecar under today's date.


  1. I like the cocoa - the chocolatey look is fabulous.

  2. Your cookies look great! These were so fun. I hope you ate them all before the humidity got to them!

  3. Weren't they a wonderful surprise? I love how craggy yours look - just perfect.

  4. These were terrific! I used sliced almonds so mine weren't as craggy as yours.

  5. These were an utter surprise! Yours look perfect--bet the cocoa worked great. I subbed hazelnuts for almonds. They look terrific!!

  6. Love these cookies! I just took round two out of the oven...made these with the cocoa powder and they look so good. Yours look delicious!


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