Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesdays with Dorie: Brrr-ownies

This week Karen of Welcome to Our Crazy Blessed Life chose Brrrr-ownies. Basically brownies with mint and since choc-mint is one my favourite combinations I couldn't be happier!

I vaguely remember peppermint patties being around when I was a kid but they were no where to be found now, including at the lolly shop which sells lots of imported sweet treats. Instead I went with a couple of blocks of Lindt Intense Mint chocolate with some extra chocolate chopped up for texture.

Choc-Mint also happens to be my all time favourite ice cream flavour, though I'm usually turned off by the vivid green artificial colouring. I made a full batch of the brownies, ate a few pieces (for quality control of course) and chopped up the rest to be mixed through vanilla ice cream.

The taste test ...

YUM!!!! While the brownies themselves were ooey-gooey and fabulous, mixed through ice cream it was sensational! The peppermint flavour intensified and I loved the chewy chocolatey chunks. It was very hard to stop at one bowl.

Thanks for a great pick Karen! You can find the recipe at Welcome to Our Crazy Blessed Life under today's date.


  1. Agreed - these were sensational brownies, especially warm with icecream.

  2. What a fantastic and frosty idea! I might have to make another batch to add to ice cream. My hips are not thanking you!

  3. Oooh...YUM! You are an evil genius!

  4. What a fun combo--I like your idea.

  5. I thought they were great even with just milk!
    ...and while I'm sure your location has its charms, I believe no one should live in a world without peppermint patties. NO ONE.

  6. Yum!! I may have to chop the rest of mine up for ice cream!! :) Thanks for baking with me this week!

  7. Now THAT looks delicious!!!!!

  8. Ice cream sounds like the way to go with these richer than rich brownies.

  9. What a great idea to make it into ice cream. Now I have to try that!

  10. Your brownies look great! Mine stuck to the foil and I ended up with a giant brownie mess. I'm going to combine what I could salvage with some vanilla ice cream also.

  11. I might have to pick up some mint ice cream for the hubby to put some brownies into. He would love it!

  12. Brownie ice cream, yummy! Your brownies look perfect. I love that crackly top!

  13. i loooove brownie ice cream--yum! and those brownies themselves llok very fudgy and delicious!

  14. What a great combination - and variation, very creative! Mint chocolate... - love your "papery texture" to the tops - I love it when brownies get that on the top. Looks wonderful with ice cream as well!

  15. YUM!! Mint brownie ice cream sounds delicious. What a great idea!

  16. Yes, these would be good mixed into the ice cream. Great idea.


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