Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesdays with Dorie: Oatmeal Breakfast Bread

This week's Oatmeal Breakfast Bread was another hidden gem. Well not hidden exactly, but I had certainly never noticed it until it was picked by Natalie of Oven Love!

It also falls into the ugly but delicious category because try as I might I could not get a decent photo.

Let me just say that I loved this bread. Made without any butter it is incredibly moist from the apple puree and buttermilk and the house smelt amazing while it was baking. Because it was so moist it was a little hard to tell when it was done but in the end it was perfect. I used raisins and dried apple in mine and it was fabulous.

I found the streusel topping a little hard to manage, as in most of it fell off every time a slice was cut. Next time I might skip the topping altogether so that I can toast a piece straight from the freezer.

Thank you to Natalie for hosting this week. Wonderful choice! Make sure you check out her blog Oven Love for the recipe.


  1. It was a wonderful choice - apple and raisins sounds like a lovely combination.

  2. Yep, I agree this was a little challenging to photograph. Pretty easy to make though. I like your idea about leaving the streusel off so you could toast it.

  3. It was a little tough to get a nice picture of the sliced bread. And I was surprised by just how good it was, too!

  4. The pictures may not have done it justice, but it definitely sounds tempting. I'll have to try this one!

  5. Thanks for baking with me! I agree with you about the topping- it needed a little more binding.. maybe some butter? ;)

  6. I decided to bake muffins instead of bread. Easier to handle. :)

  7. Your bread looks great. I went the muffin route and we loved them.

  8. I used apples also and that was delicious.

    Yours looks like it does have hidden goodies inside.

  9. I am so gonna use that category 'ugly but yummy'. lol.

  10. totally agree with you on taking a photo. I also found the topping hard to handle. When I flipped my loaf out of the pan i lost about half the topping.

    But seriously...this was good. I used figs and apples.

  11. Im glad you enjoyed this recipe. I loved it too. Your bread looks so good. I used apple too!

  12. Your bread looks fantastic! I lost some of my topping too.

  13. this was so good, and it did smell amazing!

  14. Yours sounds really good (other than those pesky raisins)! It was definitely hard to photograph, especially since mine fell apart. My topping fell off in the oven and I was thinking about putting it in the middle if I do this again.

  15. oooh the addition of apples sounds great, i'm sad that i didn't try that but next time.

    also, getting a good pic of this was impossible for me, which is why my pics are mostly of the sides of the bread ;)

  16. I had a hard time taking a decent photo too. Love your loaf of oatmeal bread and the apples sound perfect!

  17. My picture was terrible this week, I had neither the time or skill to make it look pretty! I think your bread looks pretty darn perfect! I loved this recipe too :-)


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