Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Baking with Julia - Bagels

Bagels © food-baby.blogspot.com All rights reserved

Bagels have been on my must-bake list for years so I was really happy they were picked for this week!

The recipe seemed long and a little daunting but there was nothing particularly complicated about it, just a lot of steps and long wait. After reading the P & Q I decided to split the batch and do each half a little differently.

For my first batch I shaped the bagels after the first rise and then rested them in the fridge for 4 hours. The instructions for shaping the bagels were a little vague. I really didn't get the whole 'draw up and pinch the dough' thing (hope it wasn't just me) so I made up my own technique. Which could be why I ended up with this:

Bagels © food-baby.blogspot.com All rights reserved

So they look more like rolls than bagels. The holes almost completely disappeared during baking (clearly they weren't big enough to start with) and the end result was a little doughy. I'm guessing because there was no air circulating through the middle. They tasted pretty good though and we had bacon and egg bagels for dinner. Yum!

Bacon and Egg Bagel © food-baby.blogspot.com All rights reserved

I made the second batch the day after, so the dough had a full 24 hours in the fridge before I shaped it. It seemed easier to shape this time and I made sure the holes were the right size before boiling them. Both times I used sesame seeds and caraway seeds on top which we loved. I dropped the oven temp by 10 degrees this time but they still got a little darker than I would have liked.

But look! I made bagels!

Bagel © food-baby.blogspot.com All rights reserved

My only negative is that I found these really salty. Like REALLY salty to the point of having to guzzle water for a few hours after eating. So if we make these again I would definitely want to reduce the salt. Anyone know if that amount of salt is important for the texture etc?

I'm also keen to try a sweet version with cinnamon and raisins and if any of this batch lasts long enough I will make bagel chips and update this post.

Our host this week is Heather of Heather's Bytes so make sure you check her blog the recipe and some great photos.


  1. Your bagels came out beautifully.
    This was a fun project - a little involved, but not too bad.
    The sandwich is calling my name :-)

  2. I had the same response to making bagels "Look what I did!" Who knew they were so easy? And sesame seed is the way to go... Well, I did everything bagels, but they had sesame seeds in the mix.

  3. wow.. really impressive.. i don't know why but mine turned out a little wrinkly.. and i found the dough a bit wet.. could be due to humidity out here!!!

  4. Yours look great! We like them, but mine didn't look as nice as yours.

  5. You know what, my holes did the same thing, especially on the second batch! I don't mind though----I love a chewy bagel, so the centers are perfect for me. ;)

    I want to try a sweet version, too. :)

  6. Yum! I'm impressed that tried two versions. Nice!

  7. The same thing happened to me with the shaping! My first batch came out big and "roll"-y, pretty much exactly like yours! The second batch was more "bagel"-y. I think they both have their merits. :) I didn't do any toppings on mine, but I definitely think I'll do sesame seeds next time. They look so nice!

  8. They looks delicious..I like the big fat rolly ones:)

  9. Bagels with seeds are the best. Yours look great. However, our gf version is still a work in progress.

  10. Your bagels look great! Thank you for baking along! :)

  11. Your's look great. But I wonder why they were salty? Good job!

  12. Beautiful bagels! Did you use kosher salt or table salt? Kosher salt is a lot lightter by volume, so if you use that you will not get the salty problem.

  13. I think both batches look totally tasty! The only reason I got the shaping instructions was because I watched the video of Lauren Groveman & Julia making them on the PBS website so if you decide to give it another go, I would suggest checking it out. Here's the link http://video.pbs.org/video/2250831418/

  14. Sorry I’m late!
    Let’s start this delicious „tour des blogs“ and see how the 85 bagels turned out.
    I had great fun making and bathing and baking them and will remake them for sure.

    I love your bagels, especially the first batch. A smaller hole = more to eat :-) (PS: I did watch the video, too)
    No, I did not find mine too salty (and I usually eat with less salt).

  15. I like how the first batch turned out so chubby! I think I prefer that shape to the second batch... they just look more inviting, and more appetizing :-)

    Great job!

  16. They looks delicious..I like the big fat rolly ones:)


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