Tuesday, May 7, 2013

BWJ - Upside Down Mini Apple Cakes

Upside Down Mini Apple Cakes © www.foodbabylife.com
So yesterday I went to the supermarket specifically to get rhubarb. I came home with bread, lemons, broccoli and a bag of spinach ... and no rhubarb. I really hope other people do things like that! There was no way I was going back there with 2 ratty kids so I made do with what I had, and that meant apples.

I made 12 little cakes using a large hole muffin tray. I put a little blob of butter in the base of each and topped it with a slice of gala apple then spooned the batter on top.

I ate 1 (ok, 2!) warm from the oven and they were absolutely divine. The creme fraiche (or greek yoghurt in my case) made for a lovely moist and slightly tangy cake which paired beautifully with the sweet apple. They may have made out of a mistake but they were a definite winner!

To see the real recipe for Fresh Rhubarb Upside Down Baby Cakes make sure you visit out host Erin of When in Doubt.


  1. Oh man, I totally do things like that...
    I was in the hardware twice yesterday to buy lightbulbs and totally didn't get them on either trip.

    Your apple version is charming.

  2. Your cake looks great!! I love how the crème fraîche made the cake moist and tender. It's a keeper to say the least.

  3. I love the apple slice idea! So much prettier than the rhubarb! My rhubarb looks like sliced hot dogs.

  4. Ohhh that is such a pretty picture - much better than my burnt sugar rhubarb. The cake was great though!

  5. Beautiful placement of apple on top of the cake. Picture perfect. Glad you liked them.

  6. I do that too - it's always the key ingredient, of course. Your apple version looks very sophisticated. Something perfect for a dinner party.

  7. I do love it when mistakes are delicious! Your cake looks perfect. I was thinking apple would be yunmmy.

  8. What a great looking mini cake! I love the apple idea and using muffin tin. I am so trying that method next time! Great job!

  9. Adorable! The batter really was the winner of this recipe. :) And yes, I do that regularly at the grocery store. I went to TWO grocery stores the other day for that exact reason! :P

  10. Bet the addition of apples was delicious. Your picture is sure beautiful.


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