Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Johnny Cake Cobbler (Baking with Julia) + some news!

Johnnycake Cobbler © www.foodbabylife.com

This week we had a choice of 2 recipes for Baking with Julia and I chose the Johnnycake Cobbler over the Raspberry-Fig Crostata, mainly because neither figs nor raspberries are in season here and even when they are, they're prohibitively expensive.

Unfortunately it wasn't quite the success I had hoped.

I used 8 smallish apples and 2 cups of thawed frozen blackberries for my full-size cobbler which I thought would be plenty but it seemed to shrink down to nothing. Or maybe it was just that there was at least twice as much topping as was needed. What I should have done is just turn it out on to a platter and call it an upside down cake!

What I liked - the combination of fruits, their jewel-toned colour and the texture of the cobbler thanks to the cornmeal.

What I didn't like - the quantity of topping, the saltiness and fact it took over 90 minutes to cook through!

I'm really not sure why it took so long to cook. Our oven has been even more unreliable than usual recently so it could be that, or it could be that I just stuffed up somewhere. This is actually a distinct possibility as we are expecting baby #3 and pregnancy brain has well and truly kicked in!

Not sure why I haven't shared the news before now but given I'm 30 weeks tomorrow it's about time. So in 10 weeks or less there will be a new baby in the food.baby family. We haven't found out the gender this time so we'll be getting an awesome surprise on this little one's birth-day.

Back to the cobbler, I served it with lashings of cream (probably unnecessary given the huge amount of cream in the cobbler itself) and my 3 taste-testers all enjoyed it, but the fact is there is still a large chunk in the fridge and no one asked for seconds which is pretty telling.

You'll find the recipe for the Johnnycake Cobbler on page 389 of Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan.


  1. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival!
    Sorry the cobbler did not go well for you. I attempted the crostata... it went al-right for me... :)

  2. Congrats! I did not go with pouring cream over the baked cobbler. It sure does make it look heavenly. It did seem to have a lot of crust, but that was the best part for me, so I did not mind.

  3. What exciting news! Congrats to you and your family!!! My topping needed a little more time in the oven, too.

  4. first off, congratulations on your news!! yes, there was way to much topping on this cobbler. it was much better cut back a bit, but I do quite like that upside-down cake idea!

  5. I made this too, though didn't find the biscuits very salty - maybe I changed something up without knowing it! It did take longer to cook than the recipe stated! Success though, for us!

  6. First of all, thank you sooo much for sharing the wonderful baby-news: I am so happy for you and your family!♥
    I'm so sorry it was not a hit for you.
    We loved it but I fully agree with you: the crust was a bit too salty. The next time I'll cut down the salt to 1/2 tsp.

  7. Congratulations on your baby news! This cobbler wasn't a winner in our house. I liked the fruit, not the topping.

  8. Awesome surprise is right! Congratulations and best wishes for a smooth delivery.

  9. Wow - sorry you weren't a fan of the cobbler, but congratulations on your little on the way!

  10. Congratulations! I think you deserve a new oven!! I do agree that there was a lot of topping, and I didn't use all of it.

  11. Congratulations! What wonderful news. Turning the cobbler into an upaside down cake sounds like a great idea. :-)

  12. Congratulations! Sorry the cobbler wasn't a hit for you. We loved it, but have had similar problems with other recipes in the past. We reduced the amount of flour for the topping by half a cup, maybe that made a difference. Your cobbler does look delicious.


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