Friday, November 14, 2014

Lucky Smart Snax Review and Giveaway!

** The giveaway is now closed. The winner will be announced and contacted shortly**

It's been a really interesting experience going back to study after 13 years. First time around was straight after high school when I lived on campus and did all the usual sorts of things uni students do! I did well academically but I could have (and should have) done a lot more work.

I remember long nights cramming for exams fuelled by lots of caffeine and sugary snacks. There was a 24 hour convenience store a short walk from my building and I used to go for midnight walks with friends to stock up on Sara Lee Ultra Choc ice cream!

This time around I am in my 30s and the mum of 3 young children. Needless to say it's been an entirely different experience! These days I study whenever I get a spare moment - waking up at 5am to get an hour of reading time before anyone else is up. Working feverishly during my baby's nap time to get as much done as possible before he wakes up. 10pm is about as late as I can stay up at night both in terms of being able to concentrate and to ensure I get enough sleep and not feel like a zombie the next day.

My study snacks have also changed. Definitely no more chocolate ice cream for me seeing as I avoid both sugar and dairy these days!

My go-to snack for the past year or so has been nuts. I've been buying them in bulk from a local organic food store and making up snack mixes, bliss balls, biscuits and toasted muesli with them. They are filling, packed with nutrients and good fats and best of all they keep me going when I don't always have time to eat a proper meal.

So when I was offered the chance to review the new range of Lucky Smart Snax thanks to Product Talk by Nuffnang I was so excited! I am already a big fan of the Lucky brand and in fact I reviewed their range of nuts for Christmas baking last year which you can find here.

So what are Lucky Smart Snax? They are a range of 6 snack mixes of nuts, seeds and dried fruit with each mix designed to meet the specific needs of individual bodies. Some have just nuts, some have nuts and seeds, some have dried fruit and one even has a little chocolate!

Lucky Smart Snax Digestive – Oven Roasted Almonds, Peanuts, Hazelnuts, Cranberries, Sunflower Kernels and Pepitas. The dietary fibre in this blend will help maintain a healthy digestive system.

Lucky Smart Snax Recovery – Oven Roasted Almonds, Peanuts, Cashews and Pepitas. This blend is a good source of protein which is vital for growth, muscle development and recovery from exercise.

Lucky Smart Snax Womens – Cashews, Almonds, Brazil Nuts and Walnuts. This blend is a souce of  Vitamin E, iron and monounsaturated fat, as well as calcium, folate and selenium.

Lucky Smart Snax Cardio – Almonds, Sultanas, Cranberries and Blueberries. This is a sweet and very high energy blend to help keep you pumping through the day.

Lucky Smart Snax Power – Oven Roasted Peanuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Hazelnuts and Dark Chocolate. This sweet and toasty blend gives a boost of natural energy.

Lucky Smart Snax Low Carb – Brazil Nuts, Peanuts, Pepitas, Almonds and Walnuts. This tasty blend of nuts and seeds is naturally low in carbohydrates and a great snack option.

I love that these are not only delicious but also the real deal in terms of healthy snacks -the nuts are all either raw or oven roasted with no extra oil added, they are not too heavy on the dried fruit so are mostly low in sugar, and as nuts and seeds are packed with goodness they are a nutrient dense snack that actually fills you up. My personal favourite has been the Digestive blend which is oven roasted and has just a little sweetness from the dried cranberries.

I've had a bag of Smart Snax to graze on at nearly every morning study session since I received them, as well as a bag stashed in my handbag for when I'm out. I have to say they have also been a lifesaver at exam time when I didn't really feel like eating (too many butterflies in my tummy) but needed something light and nutritious to get me through a 2 hour science exam.

The new range of Lucky Smart Snax are available in the dried fruit and nut aisle of Coles, Woolworths and independant grocers, near the baking products and they retail for $4.99 per pack.


I am really excited that I have a Lucky Smart Snax hamper to give away which includes all 6 products in the range. This giveway is open to Australian residents only and to enter, just leave a comment below answering the question:

Which Lucky Smart Snax is your favourite and why?

The competition closes in 1 week on  Friday 21st November at 5pm so make sure you get in quick! To find out more about Lucky Smart Snax you can visit their website or get to your local supermarket and grab a pack for yourself.

Good luck!!!

* This is not a sponsored post. I received product for review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. The Women's one would be my pick
    As a pick-me-up snack, it does the trick
    With it's mixed nuts, it's a healthy treat
    And one I don't need to feel guilty when I eat!

  2. Lucky Smart Snax Recovery is my favourite because it will be an excuse and a motivation at the same time to go for my 5k run every alternate day - plus i will get some me - time without any extra effort ...

  3. Lucky Smart Snacks Power. I am a chocoholic and I love a heathy snack that also lets me feed my addiction. Dark chocolate and nuts are the ultimate mid-afternoon energy boost.


Thanks for reading! Questions or comments? I would love to hear from you ...