For some reason I had it in my head that soda bread was made with beer and I was going to hate it. I actually groaned when I read that it was this week's choice. Well I was wrong about the beer and I really loved this recipe!
For starters, talk about easy. Just 4 ingredients mixed, shaped, plopped on a tray and baked. That's it.

So it seems that Irish soda bread is very similar to an Aussie damper with that wonderful crunchy crust and dense, slightly chewy interior. The perfect bread to eat warm with a smear of butter and lots of golden syrup. Heavenly!

My boys weren't so keen on this one, being used to lighter less chewy bread. Hubby never even saw it, as it was baked, eaten and the leftovers wrapped up in the freezer in a matter of hours. I have yet to test the "as hard as the Blarney Stone" prediction.
If you would like to make this yummy bread check out Carla at
Chocolate Moosey and Cathleen at
My Culinary Mission for the recipe.