Whoops, better make that Wednesday with Dorie! These pesky Tuesdays are coming around so quickly these days. I do love a scone though so I wasn't going to pass on these Oatmeal Nutmeg Scones chosen by Patricia from Life With a Whisk.
I've discovered my best scones come with the help of the food processor so that's what I did again. I use the plastic dough blade and am very careful not to overmix. The dough here was very sticky but I resisted the urge to dump in some more flour. I made them exactly as per the recipe and was not disappointed.
The taste test...
Just as Dorie says, sweet but not too sweet and just how I like them. Oats and nutmeg seem to be a perfect match and these were just delicious. I ate 2 straight out of the oven (it was my lunch so don't judge me!) and then another one this morning. My 2yo taste tester also approved. The rest are stashed in the freezer.
Thanks for a great pick Patricia! You can find the recipe on her blog.