First up today are these yeast waffles I stumbled across on Fake Ginger. Unlike Amanda I am a real ginger and absolutely love fresh ginger, but I heart her blog!
Anyway, hubby and I got a waffle maker as a wedding present but have never used it regularly. Partly because the recipes we have tried all seemed to oily, too heavy or just too annoying. That's why I liked the look of these yeasted waffles which can be prepped the night before.
Yeast Waffles
Recipe from Fake Ginger
375ml milk
90g butter
2 tbs maple syrup
1 ts vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 cups plain flour
1 1/2 ts instant yeast
Heat the milk and butter together until very hot and butter is melted. Remove from the heat and stir through the vanilla and salt. Cool the mixture to lukewarm then add the eggs, flour and yeast. Whisk well to combine and remove any lumps of flour. Cover and let sit at room temperature for 1 hour.
You can cook the waffles now or place in the fridge overnight.
Preheat your waffle iron. When ready pour in 1/2 to 2/3 cup of mixture (or whatever amount your instruction book says) into the centre of the waffle maker. Close the lid and cook for about 5 minutes or until golden brown and crisp. Serve immediately or keep warm in a low oven.
We got at least 10 waffles from this mix (we lost count).
We loved ours with sliced banana and maple syrup but the possibilities for toppings are endless.
The taste test ...
Really, really good! And the aroma of yeasty waffly goodness in the house first thing in the morning was fantastic. The boys scoffed theirs in record time, probably just thrilled to have something other than cereal or toast for a change. This recipe is a keeper!